5 Tips to Rejuvenate Your Aging Skin

You may not want to hear it, but aging is a natural part of life. As you grow older, your skin will begin to develop wrinkles, become thinner and achieve a darker pigmentation.

Luckily, there are options available to help rejuvenate your aging skin.

These tips can reduce the skin’s current aging rate, minimize aging related issues you are already experiencing, and promote overall healthy looking glow and feeling in your skin.

1. Stay Safe in the Sun

Perhaps the most effective way to reduce the signs of aging in the skin is to remain safe and protect yourself from sun exposure. If you take the necessary precautions to limit exposure from harmful UVA and UVB rays that the sun produces, you can drastically slow down the aging effects in your skin.  Truthfully, these precautions are easy; in fact, they are the same steps you would take in order to avoid painful sunburns.

  • Always wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a high SPF. Most dermatologists recommend wearing a sunscreen with an SPF 30 or higher, and to reapply the sunscreen every 2 hours.
  • You should also try to limit your time outdoors during the peak sun hours, which are usually from 10:00am to 2:00pm.
  • You should also wear protecting clothing like shirts, hats and sunglasses.

2. Exfoliate Weekly

Exfoliation can do wonders for your skin! The process of exfoliation, which removes the top dead layer of the skin, helps speed up the skin’s natural healing process and initiates the production of collagen. By removing dry, dull, or rough patches to reveal more youthful appearing skin, you will soon begin to notice glowing and radiant skin.

3. Change Your Diet

If you want to reduce signs of aging, you may have to make some serious changes to your diet. If you’re worried about your skin, it’s time to put down the bag of potato chips and substitute it for fruits and vegetables that are high in antioxidants. If you’re looking for vegetables that are delicious and high in vitamins that will rejuvenate your skin, then you should be eating leafy greens like spinach and kale. Other healthy food choices are salmon, walnuts, and flaxseed oils. These are filled with Omega-3, which is an essential fatty acid that promotes healthy cell formation in the skin. We also recommend adding foods that are rich with vitamin C to your diet.

If you want to reduce skin-aging effects, you should consider greatly reducing the amount of sugar in your diet. Over time, high amounts of sugar in your diet can cause wrinkles and dulling of the skin.

4. Limit Your Alcohol Intake

Who doesn’t love a nice glass of wine with a delicious meal? Unfortunately, your alcohol intake may be contributing to your aging skin. This is because drinking alcohol causes vessels in the skin to dilate, which increases the blood flow near the surface of the skin. Overtime, blood vessels can become permanently damaged by alcohol, which can lead to a blotchy, uneven, red complexion. This is not to say that you should cut out alcohol completely; however, you need to remember that much of what happens on the outside of your body is a direct result of what you put into it. Like most things in life, moderation is key!

5. Quit Smoking

Despite directly causing lung cancer, people still choose to smoke. Not only is smoking bad for your overall health, but also it can cause a plethora of skin problems. The nicotine in cigarettes causes blood vessels to swell, which can cause the thinning of skin.

Smoking also reduces the body’s collagen production, which causes sagging skin. The repeated puckering of the lips can cause wrinkles and line formations around the lips and mouth. Most importantly, smoking depletes the body of vitamin C, which is a necessary element for hydrated and plump skin. Do yourself a favor and quit smoking. Your skin will thank you!

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