5 Ways Stress Can Affect Your Skin

Men and women of all ages go through stress, whether it stems from your job, bills, relationships, or events in your everyday life. The best thing that anyone can do is to learn how to manage stress instead of letting it build up. Failing to manage your stress can result in dire consequences: it can affect your relationships, your happiness, and it can also wreak havoc on your skin.

Stress triggers the release of hormones in your body such as Cortisol. This hormone – among others – causes various chemical reactions that can make your skin become sensitive to external irritators. Here are some ways that stress can negatively affect your skin’s appearance.

1. Acne

Stress is by no means the only cause of acne, but it can contribute to it. Stress can cause your skin to flare up regardless if you’re already suffering from acne, psoriasis, or eczema.

In regards to acne in particular, stress releases Cortisol, which can disrupt and throw off the other hormones in your body. This chemical imbalance results in acne breakouts on your face as well as the rest of your body.

The release of hormones brought on by stress also results in your sebaceous glands producing more oil, which is known as sebum. The additional oil production can clog your pores, which leads to the development of bacteria; thereby, causing the likelihood of acne.

2. Rashes and Hives

All humans have bacteria in their body; however, there is good and bad bacteria in your stomach. But stress can disrupt the balance between both forms of bacteria. This process may cause you to break out in rashes and hives.

Rashes and hives are both caused by Dybiosis, which results from the imbalance in your gut. Rashes and hives take over when there is too much bad bacteria and not enough good bacteria.

3. A Flushed Face

When people become stressed, they’re more likely to breathe in short, shallow breaths. Some may even find themselves holding their breath for long periods of time as a coping mechanism. While this may or may not help manage your stress, it still takes a toll on your skin’s appearance. This change in breathing can lead to flushing and redness.

4. Dry and Dull Skin

There is a correlation between stress and dry skin. Stress reduces the lipid barrier on the skin, which allows fluids to evaporate. As a result, this can lead to dryness in the skin. Additionally, stress slows down skins cells’ ability to reach the skin surface and flake off. This allows dead skin cells to build up and give your skin a dull appearance.

5. Forming Bad Habits

Learning how to cope with stress properly can go a long way for your health. Unfortunately, some people do not know how to effectively deal with stress, which can result in bad habits. By not properly managing stress, some people partake in anxiety-driven habits that can agitate the skin such as rubbing, scratching, and picking at the skin.

While this may seem like a temporary form of catharsis, these poor habits lead to cracks in the skin’s surface, which allow dirt, bacteria, and other harmful particles to penetrate your body. These actions can cause acne, blemishes, and skin infections in severe cases. Continually aggravating your skin with these poor habits also prolongs the skin’s healing process. This leads to scarring and red sports that can linger for a longer period of time and result in uneven skin tone and texture.

A build up of stress can also result in less healthy lifestyle choices. While under stress, people may be more likely to drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes, and have an increased and unusual appetite. Truthfully, much of what happens on the outside of your body is a direct result of what you put into it. These unhealthy lifestyle choices can result in damage to skin cells, which results in the premature aging of the skin as well as decreased healing capabilities.

Managing Your Stress

Stress is a natural part of life. The question is: Are you managing your stress, or has it mastered you? The key is to stop stress before it stops you. The best way to manage your stress is to learn healthy coping strategies. Doing so will not only put you in a positive mood, but it will also keep your skin radiant and healthy. Don’t let the stress get under your skin!

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