How Much Vitamin D Does Your Skin Need?

As the frigid winter comes to a close, you might be craving warm sunny weather but not as much as your skin. The body can only produce calcium, magnesium, and phosphate when vitamin D is present in your system. During the winter, most people fail to get a sufficient amount of good ol’ Mr. Sun! Most people tend to spend more time indoors during the winter season which limits the amount of vitamin D your body can absorb. Also referred to as “the sunshine vitamin,” the human body produces this group of fat-soluble secosteroids, as a result of daily exposure to the sun’s rays. Here are common questions (and answers) pertaining to your skin’s need for Vitamin D.

What Are the Benefits of Vitamin D?

Most individuals are fully aware that Vitamin D helps maintain bone and teeth health, but it also supports your immune system, nervous system, and brain. In fact, Vitamin D can reduce the risk of Type 2 diabetes as well as the progression of certain cancers.

How Does Vitamin D Effects The Skin?

On top of helping to maintain a healthy internal homeostasis, Vitamin D delivers benefits to your skin’s appearance. Vitamin D fosters skin growth and repair, as well as optimizes skin’s immunity. Vitamin D even has some anti-aging benefits because it can minimize acne, stimulate collagen production, enhance the skin’s radiance, and reduce the appearance of fine lines and dark spots. An anti-oxidant, Vitamin D helps to banish free radicals that would otherwise cause skin irritations, blemishes, and discoloration.

What Is the Recommended Amount of Vitamin D?

So how much Vitamin D does your body need to reap the benefits internally and externally? Vitamin D is commonly consumed orally in pill form or absorbed naturally during sun exposure. You can measure Vitamin D intake two different ways; micrograms (mcg) and International Units (IU). Though Vitamin D is often included in a daily vitamin, below are some medical intake guidelines from the Food and Nutrition Board at the Institute of Medicine to make sure you consume the right amount.

  • Children 6-18 years: 600 (IU) or 15 (mcg)
  • Adults 18-70 years: 600 (IU) or 15 (mcg)
  • Adults 71 +:  800 (IU) or 20 (mcg)
  • Pregnant: 600 (IU) or 15 (mcg)
  • Breastfeeding: 600 (IU) or 15 (mcg)

Can You Consume Too Much Vitamin D?

No surprise, consuming too much in a Vitamin D pill form can have negative Toxicity effects. The side effects of overconsumption of Vitamin D can be harmful such as:

  • Increased blood levels
  • Increased blood calcium levels
  • Nausea, vomiting, and appetite suppression
  • Stomach pain and diarrhea
  • Diminished bone health
  • Possible kidney failure

Can You Become Vitamin D Deficient?

Medical News Today indicates a rise in Vitamin D deficiency within the past two decades in the United States. Further, according to the CDC, 25% of Americans are categorized as Vitamin D deficient. Factors that cater to a deficiency include underexposure to the sun and poor nutrition. This is important because not consuming or absorbing the daily dose of Vitamin D results in significant negative effects to the body, specifically as you age. Side effects of Vitamin D deficiency include:

  • Hair loss
  • Muscle Pain
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Fatigue
  • Hypertension
  • Depression
  • Low immunity leading to frequent illness
  • Weak Bones

Consulting A Dermatologist To Discuss Vitamin D

Its no secret Vitamin D promotes healthy bone growth, but individuals should not limit the focus of bone health to just children or elderly. Adults should consider consuming the daily-recommended amount of Vitamin D to maintain overall health. Short Hills Dermatology has the qualified doctors to health foster your health. Consult a top NJ dermatologist near you today!

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