5 Fabulous Fall Skin Care Tips

The time has finally come to bid farewell to summer and welcome fall! With the change of seasons, it’s the perfect time to transition into a new skin care regimen. Fall, however, is trickier than the other seasons when it comes to skin care. You need to recover from any damage summer may have caused while preparing for the approaching cold winter months.

As the heat and humidity of summer slowly subsides, here are some helpful tips to prepare your skin for the colder weather ahead in the upcoming months.

1. Recover from Summer!

Regardless if you spent your summer relaxing at the beach or lounging by the pool your skin most likely have some sun damage. This damage is probably in the form of sunspots, larger pores, or possibly something much worse!

If you suffer from noticeable sun damage, you have many available options to choose from. Helpful treatments include:

  • Chemical peels
  • Skin lightening products
  • Microdermabrasion and much more!

Consult with your dermatologist to see which treatment is best for your skin type.

2. Don’t Forget the Sunscreen

If you think you can toss out that bottle of sunscreen simply because vacation is over, you should think twice. Don’t let the cold weather fool you! Just because you’re not relaxing at the beach in late September or October does not mean wearing sunscreen is important. The UV rays can continue to still be strong, even during the fall. What makes these rays more dangerous this time of the year is that you’re less aware of the rays and less likely to wear protection during the colder weather.

If you know you’re going to be participating in all of the fun fall festivities like apple and pumpkin picking, make sure you slather on some sunscreen. Be sure to wear a sunscreen with a broad spectrum and one that has an SPF of 30 or more.

3. Be Sure to Moisturize

The cooler temperature and less humid weather in fall can be a potential nightmare for your skin. Many patients report dry skin during the colder weather. Wind tends to chap the skin while the heat from radiators can dry your skin out. During the winter months, you can keep your skin looking and feeling health by moisturizing regularly.

You can also keep your skin hydrated by drinking lots of water or even purchasing a humidifier to increase your home’s moisture levels. When you wash your face each night, try avoid using hot water because this could cause your skin to dry out. Instead, try washing your face with tepid water.

4. Update or Change Your Products

A new season calls for a new set of facial products because what worked for summer doesn’t necessarily work for fall. During the summer, it tends to be more humid and more oil production. The facial cleanser and body soaps you utilized during the hot summer worked for oiler skin; however, your skin might be in need of hydration.

Your skin may also be more sensitive after recovering from the intensity of summer. As a result, you should look for products with vitamin C that are better for more sensitive skin!

5. Don’t Forget to Exfoliate!

If you don’t already do so, try exfoliation twice a week! By exfoliating, you get rid of old, dead skin cells and make room for fresher skin. This also allows your moisturizer to soak the new skin cells, which will keep your skin looking and feeling fresh!

Take Care of Your Skin

Even though summer is behind us, there are still elements that can still damage your beautiful skin. But by making a few smart decisions and remaining diligent in your skin care regimen, you can revitalize your skin and keep it healthy and radiant through the colder months!

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