What are spider veins and how can they be treated?
Our doctors here at Dermatology Consultants of Short Hills in Short Hills, NJ believe in offering patients a wide range of services for the skin, hair, nails, and body. When spider veins become a problem, patients often turn to their dermatologist to discuss possible treatment options.
What are spider veins?
Spider veins are a common condition that is caused by circulatory issues. These web-like veins are actually dilated blood vessels that are just below the skin, making them extremely visible. They can appear on the legs, thigh, ankles, and even the face. While not a medical problem, they can be unsightly, resulting in many patients working with a professional to discuss possible treatment options. At Dermatology Consultants of Short Hills, we often find that treatments such as laser ablation and sclerotherapy may work. These can destroy the vessels, allowing blood to redirect to healthier veins and causing the body to absorb these vessels.
Can spider veins return?
There is a chance that spider veins may return even after treatments. However, it does not appear in the same vessels as these were absorbed and eliminated. Patients will want to talk to their dermatologist about what to do for spider veins that might return in different areas. We offer state-of-the-art solutions that enable patients to make educated decisions regarding their body, and we have the experience to provide knowledge to patients that allow them to safely make these choices for themselves.
What about varicose veins?
Varicose veins are also a problem for many patients, and can even become itchy and painful. We provide the diagnosis and treatment of these veins as well, often recommending similar treatments such as laser ablation and sclerotherapy to help. Patients will often want to consider the use of compression socks as well to assist.
Ready to take charge of your spider veins?
Contact the providers at Dermatology Consultants of Short Hills in Short Hills, NJ to discuss your options. The office can be reached by calling (973) 232-6245 for an appointment with new or returning patients of our practice. We are located at 636 Morris Turnpike, Suite 2H.