Is my mole a sign of skin cancer?
One of the most common types of cancer today is that of skin cancer. If you are educated on what to look for in terms of early signs, you have the chance of treating it more effectively and addressing it before it spreads or worsens. Many patients have heard that moles may help in indicating when skin cancer is present, but not all moles are a reason for concern. Find out more about moles and skin cancer by reading on!
Is my mole a signs of skin cancer?
Many people are born with moles. The presence of a mole doesn’t mean you have skin cancer, nor does it increase your risk. However, certain types of skin cancer, such as melanoma, tends to develop around moles and can cause these growths to change in shape, size, color, etc. By knowing what to look for, patients can spot these changes as soon as they occur and seek a diagnosis and treatment for their condition.
The ABCDE rule
The American Cancer Society recommends looking for “ABCDE” when evaluating moles and spotting early signs of melanoma. The words stand for:
- Asymmetry
- Border
- Color
- Diameter
- Evolving
When any of these factors change, it may be time to call the dermatologist for a skin cancer screening. Additionally, patients should already be visiting their dermatologist every year for an annual screening from head to toe. This is the best way to stay proactive and catch skin cancer in its earliest stages. Skin cancer screenings allow dermatologists to monitor the development of mole changes and look for signs of concern such as new growths, cysts, warts, etc. If there is any area that might be indicative of cancer, the doctor will remove a small sample called a biopsy for further review and examination. If patients have a positive result for skin cancer, the doctor will notify them and speak to them about their treatment options.
Find out more about moles and other early signs of skin cancer with our Short Hills, NJ team
If you are concerned about a growth, mole, or other skin tag that has developed and want to be screened for skin cancer, call Dermatology Consultants of Short Hills to schedule an appointment and evaluation. We are located at 636 Morris Turnpike, Suite #2H and can be reached to request a visit at (973) 232-6245.