What Is the Treatment for Folliculitis?

You regularly self-check your moles to help prevent skin cancer, or at least we hope you do. It’s also a good idea to look over your partner’s skin, to check out areas he can’t see, and encourage your children to point out to you any moles or spots they find on their bodies, to help keep your family safe.

As you’re conducting your skin cancer self-check, you might spot a red mole, but before you panic, a red bump on the skin is not always a sign of skin cancer. In fact, with the assessment of your dermatologist to help put your mind at ease, a smooth, cherry-red bump on your skin may be a cherry angioma, a noncancerous growth.

Cherry angiomas most often appear on the trunk of the body, such as on your chest, stomach, your sides and your back, but they can occur anywhere on your body. It is not known what causes cherry angiomas, nor why these red skin growths tend to appear on people over the age of 30 (although younger people can get them as well.)

Cherry angiomas are known for their bright red color, and can vary from the size of a pinhead to about a quarter-inch in diameter. If the appearance of a cherry angioma isn’t troubling to you, in terms of location and distraction factor, your doctor will likely advise leaving it alone. If you do wish to have it removed, always go to your dermatologist for safe and effective removal. Ignore any dangerous online message boards or YouTube videos that show ‘how to remove a cherry angioma using some cork, a pin and a lighter.’ Any skin treatment involving a lighter is never a good idea.

If your dermatologist agrees that your cherry angioma can be removed, lasers or electrocautery may be implemented to burn off or destroy tissue by use of a small probe with an electric current running through it to eliminate the cherry angioma. Or your doctor may implement a shave excision, or freeze it off with cryotherapy for cherry angioma. But keep in mind that any removal process can cause scarring.

If you do choose to ‘keep’ your cherry angioma, be sure to keep an eye on it, reporting to your doctor if it changes in appearance, or if it experiences any trauma, such as getting cut or damaged to bleeding. And feel free to call your doctor if your cherry angioma causes you any emotional distress or a drop in self-confidence, depression or change in lifestyle. It can be removed with a minimum of discomfort, and your doctor can provide you with topical treatments to help minimize scarring.




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